I found myself surrounded by great folks who got me to the other side of a cluster fuck of problems mentioned afore

What did you ask for?: While being sued for my biz with forged papers by an ex partner, almost losing my new space of biz to foreclosure and fighting for rent control in my loft during a 3 year rent strike ... I fell in love. I realized fate was really food to me: I was (and still am) with the love of my life, I was able to stop foreclosure by buying the building (my busboy had put me on his credit card) and I settled with the scoundrels who had forged paperwork. I told my fate I so appreciate it and I know I can't have it all, that if I need a lesson in humility it can take my lovely loft. I was evicted the next week with a hefty judgement against me.

What did you receive? : I found myself surrounded by great folks who got me to the other side of a cluster fuck of problems mentioned afore: my sweetheart, great employees, friends, great men and women I work with. Now the seemingly unsurmountable problems are gone (and new problems are very manageable) and the good folks are left. I treasure their company immensely.

How did you feel? Did you believe it was already there? Did you allow it to show up? : Mantras are there for simple longterm plans... mine was then and still is: "leave the assholes in the rear view mirror". It's not very enlightened but I'm happy to say it works and that I have excellenter and excellenter company.

Nicole CasanovaComment